5th grade math activities for kids, grade 5 math worksheets, quizzes, games and flash cards. This page is a collection of math resources for teachers and parents of fifth graders. Click on any resource and be carried to a page containing exhaustive list of resources.
5th Grade Math - here we have compiled the math skills your child will learn in grade 5. We then divided these skills into various groups depending on their respective branches. As we feel it is an easier approach to deal with math when you are only dealing with the similar kinds of problems. Diving into various concepts will leave the students confused and they will not be able to take the most out of their learning experience. Keep in mind that this is a fun way to learn math, and you will not have to force your child to learn. Just introduce our basic concepts, and once they are able to learn and cover them easily, they will want to move on to a more difficult level themselves. Think of this process as tetris, once you get to a point where you have enough point to qualify for the next round; you are automatically taken to a more complexed level, and it goes on and on. Similarly, we have designed our modules as games, which students will play. As with other games to reach the next level they will be required to understand the concept of the game and beat it. During this process, they will be learning and perfecting their math skills. As that is what our games, puzzles, quizzes, and worksheets are based on. Once you are able to get your child going, they will come back for more complexed problems on their own. As once they know they have a firm grip on a problem, it is human nature to want to solve and learn more. This is why our learning techniques will help your child excel in various fields of math, as we cover all that is covered in school; just with a lighter and easier to learn approach.