Free 1st grade math activities, first grade math worksheets, first grade math games, 1st grade math board games, 1st grade math quizzes, 1st grade math lesson plants and more.
1st Grade Math - starting the first grade is a huge step for any child, it is when the training wheels come off, and they have to start learning more complex matters. Starting the first grade can be exciting and daunting at the same time. With the Math skills getting more difficult by the year, the feeling is understandable. This feeling is shared by parents why know their child will struggle with some concepts, there is nothing wrong with a child struggling; we should just have a means to help them get past it. And lucky for you, we are here to help with just that. Here we have collected all the math skills your child will be required to learn and master in the 1st Grade. As we have organized these skills into various categories, we feel we will be able to help your child get a better grip on them. Keep in mind that every child is different, what some might find easy; others might find difficult, and vice versa. Which is why there is nothing wrong with starting with a grade lower than your child is actually in, this will give them a chance to refresh their basics; and help them move forward with full force. With our online easy to learn and practice courses your child can learn, excel, and polish their math skills while having fun. Once your child gets the hang of it, he/ she will be begging you to let him/ her cover more advanced levels. Our main goal is to help every child excel in math, and as know know each child processes information differently; we know that using fun and interesting way to explain and teach concepts has a great impact on every child regardless of their learning capabilities and age.