1st Grade Math Card Games
1st grade math card games pdf printable materials for teachers and parents in need of extra materials to energize their math class. This cards cover topics on telling time, introductory lessons on addition and subtration using pictures etc.1st grade math card games, pdf printable, math, kids, printable, Math flash cards for children to use while reviewing addition, subtraction, telling time, fractions, and more.
- 2 to 1 digit numbers addition
- Ways of making numbers adding
- Adding doubles with pictures
- Addition of one place numbers
- Addition of two place numbers
- Comparing with picture aids
- Comparison word problems
- Comparing two numbers
- Comparison signs >, <, =
- Greater, less than or equal to
- Fractions shown with circles
- Compare fractions of objects shown
- Identify correct picture of a fraction
- Fraction vocabulary, halves, thirds etc
- Fraction of dots & pictures practical
- Word add / subtract problems
- Addition mixed operations
- Subtraction with BODMAS
- 'Sum' or 'difference' exercises
- Find missing signs in equations
- Even or odd numbers
- Number lines missing numbers
- Coun with tally marks
- Learn how to spell
- Counting in Roman numerals
- Subtract to get zero
- Subtraction sentence on pictures
- Find missing numbers in equations
- Subtracting to obtain zero
- Subtract with help of picture
- Learn days of the week
- Time and daily activities
- Time to the minute facts
- A.M. & P.M. meaning
- Days in a month etc
- Read time on clocks
- Read time at exact hours
- Time at 30 mins past hours
- Time on digital clocks
- and more on time