Math Online War Games With Cards

Math Online War Games With Cards | Math video Games On Math Topics For Kids | Kindergarten | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Grades. | Math War Zone Game

Addition of fractions

Adding of fractions war game

Adding of fractions war game


Adding mixed fractions

Addition of mixed fractions game

Addition of mixed fractions game


Addition with pictures

addition with pictures game

Learn how to add with pictures game


Area of circles

Find the area of circles game

Find the area of circles game


Area Square Rectangles

Area Square Rectangles

Learn how to find the area of shapes game


Compare Fractions

Comparing two fractions game

Comparing two fractions game


Comparison with shapes

Comparison using shapes and objects

Comparison using shapes and objects


Fractions Decimals

Converting fractions to decimals game

Converting fractions to decimals game


Counting Objects

Learn how to count objects game

Learn how to count objects game


Fractions Shapes

Learn fractions with shaded shapes game

Learn fractions with shaded shapes game


Fractions with squares

Learn fractions with the help of squares

Learn fractions with the help of squares



Learn to identify coins - US dollars game

Learn to identify coins - US dollars game


Basic Multiplication

Learn multiplication with pictures

Learn multiplication with pictures


Shapes & Geometry

Learn Basic math shapes game

Learn Basic math shapes game


Spelling Numbers to 20

Learn how to spell numbers up to twenty

Learn how to spell numbers up to twenty


Subtract With Pictures

How to subtract with pictures math game

How to subtract with pictures math game


Telling Time

Learn how to tell time minutes past game

Learn how to tell time minutes past game


Telling time to the hour

Telling time to the hour game

Telling time to the hour game


Addition 1 to 10

Addition of numbers 1 to 10

Addition of numbers 1 to 10


Addition of doubles

Addition of doubles game

Addition of doubles game


This page is a collection of math games arranged around a war theme. A player begins by going into the war zone. To do this, simply click on the start button and begin rolling the dice and answering questions. The dice enables you to run over a distance avoiding being shot by adversaries along the way. The goal is to arrive home without being killed by the opponent. There are also other obstacles on the way like explosives and barriers you are not allowed to cross. If you step on a mine, it will explode and decrease your ability of reaching your goal.
It is not only about the fun of a war game but also about reviewing varied math skills. This game cover math skills taught in kindergarten, grade one, grade two, grade three, grade four, grade five, grade six and grade seven. Teachers and parents love these games since they adequately complement your kid’s regular course. They are also free and always available online for use on different devices like tablets, cell phones and computers.
Game based learning increases the love students have for some subjects and math was top on the agenda for us given the anxiety children have had in the past studying this subject. Occasionally teachers can use this game in the classroom to ease a stressful day. Parents can also let their children play while they supervise their progress. Feedback in the game is instant as there are answer keys for each problem. Keep coming back for more and remember to share.